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Planning out a large scale design...


  • If you're considering a large-scale design, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when booking.

  • It's important to plan out the density of the design, whether you prefer a fully covered sleeve or one with more negative space.

  • It's recommended to gather references that you can show later for inspiration. When deciding what to include in the design, it's best to choose a focal point and secondary elements rather than incorporating too many ideas, which can result in a cluttered design.

  • You can create a prioritized list, ranking the importance of each element, and the artist will review it to determine what can be incorporated into the design.

  • Communication with your artist is key, and it's important to be open if they decline certain requests. Giving your artist creative freedom allows them to produce their best work.

  • Keep in mind that larger-scale designs require longer preparation time and may take more sessions to complete which will also result in a higher cost.

  • It's crucial not to rush the artist and to plan your schedule accordingly, allowing for a dedicated day for the tattoo session.

  • It's recommended to schedule sessions with back to back dates 

    • the tattoo heals at the same time​​​

    • ​the mapping of the design is still there from the first session​

    • better work flow as everything is still fresh

  • If sessions are scheduled further out, it will need to be within 2-4weeks in between session and must be book during my booking time frame.

  • 2-4 week bookings will be determined by the artist depending on the tattoo 

  • We don't recommend starting your sleeve and coming back a year plus to add on as style, products and rate are subject to change

  • Depending on the size of the design, there will be a full-day rate for large-scale projects such as a sleeve/back.

  • Generally, I love to have projects finish quickly, so I do prefer full day sessions and having multiple days booked in advance. In the event that we finish the design early and no longer need the future sessions, those deposit saved for those dates will go towards your finished session and to the tattoo cost. 

  • If you know you can't handle full day sessions, it is recommended to schedule for half day sessions. If you end up booking a full day session and end the session early, you will still pay for the full day rate. Please refer back to the QUOTE tab for pricing and timing info. 

  • For large scale projects, please plan and prep yourself physically and mentally. These sessions are long. You are able to take quick breaks, but avoid taking so many breaks as it worsens the pain, more swelling, cuts into more of your tattoo time and makes it difficult to tattoo. 

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