First of all, I truly want to thank you all for showing interest and submitting your ideas during my booking rounds.
Below will give you an idea of how I do my bookings.
Now onto the questions and answers!
How does the booking process work?
How long will booking be open?
Booking will open until all available spots are filled. ​
How will I know if my request is accepted?
You will receive a message that will include a price estimate/time and if you want to move forward. I will try to work with your requested dates, but if none of those are available, I will give you my earliest availability. After the set date is agreed upon, deposit information will be given. You will need to deposit within a specified amount of time, as I will not hold spots without one. Once the deposit is received, I will confirm your appointment with a new message. ​
Is there a waitlist I can get on?
I do not have a waitlist.
When is your next booking date?
Booking dates are posted on the home page once I finalized my personal schedule. ​​
How many clients do you book per day?
Usually one client per day if it's a larger piece that requires more than 4 hours. If less than 2 hours, then I'd be able to take in more clients per day.
Will you be accepting other request besides florals?
Rarely will I do so... but even with florals, I need you to give me the freedom to do it in my own style. Do not send me other designs and expect me to copy someone's work.​
Do you take walk-ins?
Rarely. I have a strict and tight schedule. ​There are times, I will be able too, if I end my session early or client does a no-show.
Why aren't you responding to text/calls/Instagram/Facebook/etc...?
You will have to submit an application through this website. After, I will only communicate with you if we are moving forward with the project. This helps me organize my schedule and life. I have turned off other notifications and I hope you understand why I needed to do so. ​
How can I get in faster?
Promo/Wannado Flash designs will get priority as the design is already created.
If more questions come up, I'll add it to the list. ​Thank you for reading this far. I hope this cleared any questions you may have had. If you have any other questions, you can call the studio as I do not answer my phone when I am with a client. ​